Why Counsel?
Steve Viars walks potential counselors through the blessings and benefits of providing biblical counseling.
Spiritual Idolatry: We Become What We Worship
Brent Aucoin helps to connect the dots between counseling and the underlying heart issues.
Helping Counselees Walk According to the Spirit
Rob Green teaches counselors how to encourage counselees to be knowledgeable and sensitive to the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Teaching Counselors to Minister and Not Dispense the Word
Randy Patten helps counselors learn how to use the all sufficient Word of God most effectively in counseling.
ACBC Counseling Exam: Questions 11-12 | Case Study Erik
Josh Greiner walks his students through question 11 of the ACBC Theology Exam by using a relevant case study.
Soul Crushing: Experiencing Miscarriage and Infertility
Amy Baker seeks to point those whose souls have been crushed by miscarriage or infertility to the One who was deeply acquainted with sorrow.
Helping Wives of Ungodly Husbands
Janet Aucoin addresses a particular kind of suffering for which God’s word gives us hope and answers. How can a wife thrive as she biblically loves an ungodly husband? What does it look like to not appease, not avoid, and consider what is best for his soul?