The Biblical Counseling Training Tracks

Equipping you to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God's Word to those looking for answers.

The BCTC Preconference

February 8, 2025

Topic: Connecting the Gospel to the Problems of Life
Time: Sessions for this one-day preconference run from 8:30am-6:30pm.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ literally changes everything—including our counseling. God’s good news of His grace is the gateway to a relationship with Him, the foundation on which believers build their lives, the nourishment for believers’ growth, and the grounds for eternal hope. Led by Dr. Brent Aucoin, Dr. Steve Viars and Aaron Birk, this pre-conference will seek to impart a robust understanding of the Gospel and how to infuse God’s grace into all the issues of life.

Want to sit in on a session?

If you've never attended one of our conferences and don't know what to expect, check out these sample sessions - an entire teaching session from each of our seven tracks to help you get a feel for the biblically based, life-changing content we offer through our conferences.
View the Sample Sessions

The Biblical Counseling Training Conference

Track 1: Foundational Training

This track equips learners with the basic tools and knowledge necessary to minister the Word personally. Many will find this training helpful in their individual relationship with Jesus, their own relationships, and in their ministry to others. Track 1 demonstrates how biblical counsel is based on the sufficiency of the Scripture and it is application for Spiritual growth. This training satisfies the training requirement for ACBC certification . Participants will learn the key elements for personal ministry as well as receive introductory teaching on the heart in the sanctification process. We will teach about other common counseling issues including biblical communication, roles in marriage, anger, and depression.

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Track 2: Intermediate Training

Track 1 was amazing. You have started to minister the Word personally, but you find that need more help. Track 2 builds on the foundational training by discussing additional tools needed to counsel well. We choose topics commonly discussed in the counseling room. For example, learners will be further equipped in understanding our identity in Jesus, how to bring the gospel implications to generate Christ-centered sanctification, and more in-depth instruction concerning the role of the inner man in the change process. We will also provide biblical instruction on topics such as crisis counseling, same-sex attraction, and the importance of our union with Christ. Learners will be best served if they take Track 1 first.

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Track 3: Advanced Training

The more that we minister, the more we realize we need additional training. This track meets that need. Track 3 provides additional instruction that equips learners to face some of the more advanced issues that arise in counseling. You will learn biblical principles about overcoming bitterness, putting the past in its place, dealing with sexual abuse, and even how to stay healthy spiritually as a counselor. You must take Track 1 (or another foundational track) before you are able to take this track and it is recommended that you also first take Track 2. You will gain the most value from this track if you have taken Track 1 and 2 previously. Serving in a formal counseling setting will also help you understand how these sessions apply in life.

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Track 4: Ongoing Training

We all need progressive sanctification in our counseling. Counselors never stop learning. Track 4 meets the need for continuing education. Each year we create a new track 4 from scratch. We offer ongoing training on hard cases, current issues in the biblical counseling movement, and topics relevant to leading a ministry and training others. This track is ideal for the person who wants to keep their ministry skills sharp and it provides the perfect opportunity to learn while your newer staff and friends take the other tracks. This track is ideal for counseling center leaders seeking to provide continuing education for their counseling staff. You will gain the most from these sessions if you have taken Tracks 1-3 and you are actively engaged in counseling others.

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Track 5: ACBC Exam Preparation

This track helps individuals pursue ACBC certification. We teach about and guide you through each question on the theology and counseling exams. We understand that writing the exams is difficult; that is why we have writing time built into our schedule. Additionally, we will “grade” sample questions to show you some of the most common mistakes people make. You will have access not only to teachers who are ACBC certified, but also graders for ACBC. We recommend that you complete Phase 1 and have been cleared for Phase 2 by ACBC before signing up for the course. If attending in-person, then please bring a computer.

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Track 6: Women’s Topics

Track 6 delivers robust training relevant to counseling women in today’s world. It discusses topics from the perspective of a female counselee and counselor such as a biblical understanding of complementarianism to helping those who were sexually abused and learning how to grow in biblical discernment. You will be served best if you take Track 1 (or another foundational track) before you attend this track.

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Track 7: Marriage & Reconciliation

Track 7 satisfies the ACBC lecture requirements needed in order to apply for both of these advanced specializations. The virtual option will be offered during our February conference as well as in our instructor-guided conferences throughout the year.

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Ready to counsel biblically?

Equipping ministry professionals and lay leaders - through in-person and virtual training - to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God's Word to those looking for answers.
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